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What does a great business coach do?

“Great coaches lie awake at night thinking about how to make you better. They relish creating an environment where you get more out of yourself. Most people don’t spend a lot of time thinking about how they are going to make someone else better. But that’s what coaches do.”

Ronnie Lott describing Bill Campbell, Coach to Apple and Google leadership teams, amongst many others.

Our coaching services are designed to accelerate your growth

Leverage your wisdom

As the CEO, the responsibility of the entire company is on your shoulders. We begin with the assumption that the CEO and senior team know their business better than anyone outside. The coaching is designed to access this wisdom and turn that knowledge into consistent actions that translate into business results.

Customize to your needs

CEOs recognize that there are some things they do well and other areas where they can use some help. Our coaching is designed to identify the areas which when transformed can unlock growth. While we leverage world-class tools and frameworks which have been time-tested and proven, the coaching is highly customized to your unique needs.

Expand capacity and capability

In most cases, the growth of the organization is limited by the capacity and capability of the CEO and the senior team. The overarching goal of the coaching is to deliver superior business results through revenue growth and improved profitability, this is accomplished while simultaneously cultivating the CEO’s growth and development.

Sustain growth

We create the space for reflection with a strong bias for follow-up action. While Insight by itself without any follow-up action does not lead to new outcomes, action without insight might yield short-term results, but does not lead to a long-term shift. The key to sustainable growth lies in harnessing insight AND action. Our coaching work is designed to create insight and follow that with action.

Build a long-term partnership

We take the time to listen, to ask questions, to understand the CEO, the leadership team and the business context. Unlike a consultant who departs after a transfer of knowledge, we make a longer-term investment in CEOs and leadership teams to make their businesses sustainably better and more profitable.

We offer two coaching programs

A one-on-one coaching program for CEOs and business owners seeking to grow revenues and profitability.

Suitable for:
CEOs of companies with $5-$25 Million revenue

Time Commitment:
CEO: 90 minutes per week (Alternating between coaching sessions and independent work to apply and sustain knowledge and skills gained from coaching sessions)

A team coaching program for CEOs and senior teams to clarify, align and execute to drive superior results.

Suitable for:
CEOs and senior teams of companies with $10-$250 Million revenue

Time Commitment:
CEO: Two individual coaching sessions every month
CEO and Senior Team: Up to 10 days per year for facilitated workshops and team coaching sessions

Breakthrough your growth plateau. Accelerate your business growth.

Agile Growth Partners is a Coaching firm serving mid-market businesses. We leverage the 5 Drivers of Agile Growth framework to grow your revenues and profits.